Inspiring Freedom

⎯ SINCE 2013 ⎯


As an organization, we are focused on the prevention of human trafficking & sexual exploitation in Romania.

Preventing Human Trafficking.
Preventing Sexual Exploitation.

That sounds good, but how can we prevent human trafficking? How can we prevent a young woman from being sexually exploited? I’m not so sure WE can.

As on organization, we are not capable of stopping people from being trafficked & exploited. We are not capable of making sure each job opportunity is legitmate. We are not capable of educating everyone about the risks involved with “seeking a better life” outside of Romania. We are not capable of making sure each new boyfriend isn’t just a “loverboy” recruiting his next victim.

We can not do this alone.
We must empower people… people who will take action in their own communities.

We call these people Freedom Fighters.

Freedom Fighters Romania

Sure, it’s just a fancy name for somone who does the types of things we all should be doing… looking out for the people around them. It’s caring enough about your neighbor, collegue, student, daughter, or friend to get involved in their life and ask the types of questions that need to be asked.

I’ll be the first to admit it, what we’re asking isn’t easy.
Leaving our comfort zone and investing our time, energy, emotions, & finances into somone else requires a sacrifice.

The law of sacrifice says, “To attain something of greater value, one must give up something of lesser value.”

I say all this to ask… are YOU willing to make a sacrifice for someone other than yourself?
Are you willing to accept the challenge of becoming a Freedom Fighter?

As an organization, we are here to support YOU. We often use the word empower. We can sit in our office and try to define this word, but honestly we need to hear from YOU.  How can we HELP YOU prevent human trafficking in your community?