ProActive partners work together to achieve the same goal: human trafficking prevention

eLiberare is a Romanian NGO. Our mission is to prevent human trafficking and sexual exploitation nationwide and our main objective is building people’s ability to identify human trafficking cases and encouraging individual to prevent it.
Action paths:
- preventive education
- capacity building
- external assistance
- advocacy and public policy
- awareness events
Throught time eLiberare has run numerous nationwide awareness campaigns and held training sessions on identifying, referral and assistance for victims of human trafficking, some of them in partnership with public institutions such as Ministry of Education, National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children and Adoption, National Agency for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, National Agency against Trafficking in Persons, Romanian Notarial Institute, Romanian Border Police, British Embassy Bucharest, and U.S. Embassy Bucharest.
Some of eLiberare’s projects:
- Educational program
- Bani pe Bune
- Untold Secrets
- Munca.info
- Rezilienta.eu

eLiberare and Justice & Care co-founded ProTECT, a network of 21 non-governmental organizations specialized in the fight against human trafficking in Romania. ProTECT is a resource center for its members but also for other entities with similar purposes so that they collaborate effectively in prevention, protection, victim assistance, criminal and civil proceedings, lobbying and advocacy for initiatives with a greater impact in the fight against trafficking in human beings.

National Agency against Trafficking in Persons structures within The Ministry of Internal Affairs evaluates and monitors at national level the activity in the field of fight against trafficking in human beings developed by public institutions and NGOs, fulfilling the role of National Rapporteur.
The main tasks are:
- Elaborates the Annual Report on trafficking in human beings;
- Collects, stores and process data and information to elaborate studies and analysis of the phenomenon of trafficking;
- Manages the Program for Coordination of victims/witnesses participation to the judicial procedures;
- Facilitate communication between local and regional structures involved in the fight against trafficking in persons (inter-institutional anti-trafficking teams);
- Develop regional campaign to inform and raise awareness for the general public about trafficking in persons;
- Monitor and evaluate the assistance provided to victims of trafficking in persons.

Help break the silence.
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The Center for the Study of Democracy’s mission is to make a contribution to Romania’s democratic construction through the initiation of independent research, improvement of the decisional process, and the promotion of democratic values and active citizenship.
In order to pursue this mission, the Association formulates the following objectives:
- To facilitatie, develop and implement scientific research and surveys relevant for ACDS’s mission;
- Community development through citizens’ involvement in the decision-making process;
- To engage the youth in the life of the community;
- To initiate, develop and encourage partnerships and collaboration at local, regional, national and international levels;
- To monitor the process of democratization and European integration in Romania.

Project implemented by:

The project is implemented by eLiberare in partnership with National Agency against Trafficking in Persons and Association Center for the Study of Democracy and benefits from a 176.515 euros grant from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants Grants 2014 -2021. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit www.eeagrants.org. More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at www.activecitizensfund.ro.